
DHL Scholarships Help Designers Get a Leg Up

Long a supporter of emerging designers at the local level, DHL has taken their support to the next level with the newly announced DHL Exported competition. Using the power of a global network that operates in 220 countries, the sponsors of 30 Fashion Week events have partnered with IMG to help up-and-coming designers expand their brands abroad.

By providing both a runway slot to showcase at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York, London, Milan or Tokyo, and the logistical support needed to ensure the collections arrives on time and unscathed, DHL Exported will help its locally-successful winner get its feet on the ground in a whole new market. Though different in scope, the program is similar to several local programs DHL has been running over the last decade – programs that have launched the expansion of now globally-recognized brands like We Are Handsome and A Degree Fahrenheit, award-winning designers whose brands are selling strong both at home and abroad.

DHL Designer Award – Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo

After achieving success at home, designers based in Japan often turn to the markets in neighboring Asian countries for initial expansion. But for those who see the world as their oyster, exporting to the continent and Americas can prove a bit challenging. With the DHL Designer Award, talented Japanese designers receive solid export advice and a shipping credit to the tune of 500,000 Yen to help get their brands abroad. Now in its sixth year, the award helped winner Yu Amatsu and his brand, “A Degree Fahrenheit” when they were selected to show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin. Winners of the award in 2013, DressedUndressed, have likewise continued their success, most recently with a slot at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo's Autumn/Winter 2014-15 shows.

DHL Fashion Export Scholarship – Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Sydney

Getting a name for yourself Down Under is no small feat, but the swimwear design team of We Are Handsome had done just that before they won the DHL Fashion Export Scholarship. To win, the brand had to show not only their talents as designers, they had to prove their business acumen with a sound business plan for expansion abroad. Now well-known at home and on the European continent, the brand was nominated for an award in London in October and continues to make waves around the world. Other winners of the award sponsored by DHL Australia, including the Stolen Girlfriends Club, have likewise seen great success in Europe thanks to the export assistance provided.

DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship – New Zealand Fashion Week

For the last six years, the DHL Express Fashion Export Scholarship has helped launch local New Zealand designers' careers by teaching them the export ropes. By mentoring the top three finalists in the export process and awarding a freight scholarship in the amount of $10,000 (NZ) to the grand prize winner, DHL has seen to it that up-and-coming Kiwi fashion designers with a good eye for business get their clothing lines to customers and storefronts across Europe and the Americas. In 2012, the competition was opened to online retailers as well, giving menswear designers I Love Ugly the winning spot for their strong online presence.

DHL Get Global Award – Copenhagen Fashion Week

DHL Denmark has long supported designers in the capital of cool. With fashion the country's fourth largest industry, helping locals get their feet on the ground in other markets makes great business sense for everyone. And with the biggest fashion award in Scandinavia, given in cooperation with Wear Denmark, DHL is supporting designer Veronica B .Vallenes expand her sales network with special showings in New York and Paris.

DHL Runway Challenge – Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Moscow

In what's become something of a tradition at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Moscow, DHL takes over a runway slot to host their very own runway challenge. After selecting three emerging designers in an open competition, DHL invites them to show their best yellow and red ideas for “The Speed of Yellow” themed runway event. Audience members choose the best of the bunch – who then qualifies for a show of their own the following season. Previous winner Elena Trotsko made her mark with head-turning delivery couture that was seen on the wintry streets of Moscow in 2013.

Fashion Fringe – London Fashion Week

After celebrating ten years of promoting English fashion at London Fashion Week, Fashion Fringe retired in 2013. Supported by DHL, the competition was aimed at growing UK-based brands while showcasing the high talents coming out of design schools in the British capital. Winners include the avant-garde couture of Fyodor Golan, Corrie Nielsen, whose historical detailing won over the judges in 2010 and Aminaka Wilmont, whose win in 2007 led to a cooperation with helped broaden their markets beyond the Small Island.

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