Formula E

Formula E – a look behind the scenes, part 1

DHL’s plane is loaded with Formula E cargo in Beijing

Formula E: loading plane in Beijing

Massimo Foroni is DHL’s man on the ground

Formula E: Massimo

A lot of manpower goes into moving Formula E

Formula E: loading plane in Beijing

Some heavy lifting is need to move 450t of equipment

Formula E: loading plane in Beijing

Everything has to be packed just right in the car boxes

Formula E: car boxes

Lining up to load

Formula E: loading plane in Beijing

One by one the boxes are loaded into the cargo hold

Formula E: loading plane in Beijing

On arrival each piece is taken right to the team garage

Formula E: Beijing paddock

What does it take to get Formula E ready to race on the streets of a major metropolis? DHL’s Motorsports Team operations manager, Massimo Foroni, shares his story about the run-up to the very first Formula E race in Beijing last September. 

One thing is for sure: when you move an internationl race series around the world you first have to win the behind-the-scenes race against time to pack, unpack and re-load 450 tons of material.

As Official Logistics Partner, DHL is in charge of transporting all the materials for the FIA Formula E Championship – everything from the race cars to the broadcast equipment. As we look forward to the Putrajaya ePrix this weekend, DHL's man on the ground, Massimo Foroni, gives us a look into the logistics behind Formula E by sharing his experience in the days before and after the Beijing ePrix.

01:00 It’s the middle of the night and I’m at the Olympic Park in Beijing with my team unloading materials in the run up to the first ever Formula ePrix on Saturday. I’m making sure everything is unpacked and ready for the first race.

03:00 I call it a night, even though the sun is rising, and head back to my hotel.

12:00 I have breakfast and check messages. The Formula E test car has been delayed by a customs inspection. We need it to arrive tomorrow latest. 

“Everyone wants their container to be the first on the boat.”

12:30 I ride my bicycle to the racetrack and do an inspection of the circuit to check how the work is progressing. We’re unloading materials for everyone: from the Williams batteries to the Michelin tires to all the equipment for the race organizers FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile), down to the teams, their equipment and the cars. We flew everything over from the UK and now we need to make sure it’s unloaded and in position.

16:00 My manager, Pier Luigi Ferrari, and I have a meeting with our customers and partners to discuss the pack-up and loading after the race. We’re moving everything to the next race circuit in Malaysia by ship, and everyone wants their container to be the first on the boat. We have to agree the best loading order.

19:00 I have dinner with our staff at a Spanish restaurant to celebrate the successful delivery and unloading.

10:00 I wake up and check messages over breakfast. The test car has been cleared by customs and will arrive today, that’s a relief!

12:00 Pier Luigi and I have a meeting with our Sinotrans colleagues. We realize there has been an oversight. Although we agreed on 30 containers to ship everything to Malaysia after the race, they have not been booked. Pier Luigi and I hastily call some shipping lines in China. We are in luck and the containers will be ready. We discuss customs requirements with our agents and have to make some last minute changes to meet with local rules and regulations.

13:30 We are invited to a typical Chinese business lunch. The food is delicious, although I don’t know what it is. Pier Luigi asks our hosts. It’s chicken hearts. I wish I hadn’t been told.

19:00 I have dinner with the FIA logistics team. The race is tomorrow so there’s a lot of excitement. We speculate about who might win and talk about the up-load after the race.

00:00 An early night for a change. Tomorrow is the big day!

Read Part 2 about Massimo's all-nighter the day of the race!

Massimo Foroni
A member of the DHL Motorsports Team based in Italy, Massimo is an operations manager for Formula E, Formula 1 and Indycar who works closely with customers like Ferrari and Lambourghini. He is passionate about motorsports and all things automotive.

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