
Farewell to Fashion Fringe

After ten years spent honoring the rising stars in the British and Irish fashion scene, Fashion Fringe has come to an end. The program developed by Colin McDowell in conjunction with IMG Fashion offered talented emerging designers a unique chance to launch their label in London.

For newcomers inspired by the likes of Vivienne Westwood and the late Alexander McQueen, Fashion Fringe offered the financial support and mentoring necessary to get a label off the ground, along with a catwalk show at London Fashion Week.

Over the years, the winners have made big names for themselves. Design team Fyodor Golan was one of the seventeen finalists who are still flourishing after winning the competition in 2011. Other previous winners include Corrie Nielsen, whose historical detailing won over the judges in 2010 and Aminaka Wilmont, whose win in 2007 led to a cooperation with that continues to keep them in the spotlight.

For the farewell event in London December 3, 2013, recipients of Fashion Fringe awards have prepared nine new designs to wow the invite-only audience as part of “The Big Reveal.”

As part of our role as Official Logistics Partner to Fashion Week events around the world, including the bi-annual London Fashion Week, DHL was proud to support both the competition and its winners over the years. Cheers!

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