
Fashion Unleashed

Supply Chain Innovation is Everything

A fashion masterclass earlier this year brought the heads of the retail world's biggest names together to discuss trends and disruptions driving the fashion industry. Rapidly changing trends and changes to the ways of consumption brought on by mobile technology combined with increased spending power has made the fashion sector both more complex and more volatile than in previous years.

Retailers and manufacturers need to re-think their supply chains as a result, responding to shortened product lifecycles and escalated service demands in ways previously unseen. The report Fashion Unleashed: supply chain innovation is everything released in September takes a look at the ways that changing trends and increased consumer demands impact supply chains the world over – and what those in the fashion industry can do to remain controlled yet flexible in this new world order.

In Motion will take you through a three-part series over the next week to detail these trends further, looking at the impact fast fashion and social media have had on supply chains before providing tips on how best to respond to the changes.

To get your own personal copy of the report, which details these changes and solutions further, go to:

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