
DHL Exported Deadline Extended

DHL Exported, the year's biggest fashion competition aimed at brands looking to branch out overseas, has just extended the deadline for applicants by a week, giving designers the world over until April 9 to throw their hat in the ring.


The application, which can be found with complete details online at the dedicated DHL Exported website, requires proof not only of design talent and solid manufacturing capabilities that could support an international expansion but also sound business plans for international sales growth. As the contest is only open to designers already established in their home market, a minimum of seven years' experience designing and a list of previous showings is also requested.

Upon winning the competition, fashion designers who are receiving traction outside their native region will be given the access to a global marketplace and the formula to a successful launch, by debuting their collection later this year at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York, London Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week or Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo.

So far, the brains behind the competition at DHL and IMG Fashion have received a total of 24 entries from the world over, including the USA, Germany, India, Japan, Israel, South Africa, Greece, Portugal, Tunisia, The Netherlands and Turkey.

Finalists in each market will be chosen after the extended closing date – now April 9 – and handed over to a local committee of experts at each location. Winners will be announced at press events throughout May and June.

Think you've got what it takes? Then hop over to the website and apply today.

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