
Francesca Liberatore at NYFW: DHL Exported New York Winner

Francesca Liberatore is ready for her next big break.

This time, it's the Big Apple that awaits the Italian designer, who, after years of gaining accolades across Europe, has finally hopped the Atlantic to show her Spring/Summer 2015 collection at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York.

The salon show on September 8, 2014 at 2 p.m. EST will showcase the winner of the inaugural DHL Exported program for New York. In anticipation, Francesca has taken over the DHL Exported Instagram channel to give followers an inside look at the preparations backstage. And from the looks of it, the collection is sure to wow the American public as much as she has done in cities around the world, from St. Petersburg to Seoul.

The “enfant prodige” whose resume includes teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, designing a t-shirt for life campaign with Unicef along with partnerships with Swarovski Elements and Saga Furs, won the DHL Exported program competition to bring her collection abroad. Though this is her first show in New York, it most certainly won't be her last.

To catch the show in its entirety, be sure to follow the DHL Exported You Tube channel.

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