
Spotlight on: Satu Maaranen

Finnish newcomer Satu Maaranen recently burst onto the European fashion scene with her “Garments in Landscape” collection, replete with phenomenal hats that grab attention.

Brief Bio: A young designer out of Helskini, Finland, Satu Maaranen, studied art pedagogy and fashion at Aalto University. During her studies, she interned at the 200-year-old textile house Erica in Italy and with designer Christian Wijnants in Belgium. She went through a textile trainee program in The Netherlands and now works as a freelance designer with her own label.

Big Break: At Hyères Fashion Festival in April 2013, the women’s collection was recognized by a jury of some of Europe’s top names in fashion who awarded Maaranen the “Grand Prix du Jury Premiere Vision.” The unique take on haute couture likewise got the designer noticed by the team at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin, where her eponymous runway show was presented by Mercedes-Benz and Elle in July 2013.

The Look: The Spring/Summer 2014 women’s collection, “Garments in Landscape” was inspired by silhouettes and cuts from old Haute Couture. With a unique consideration of the landscape surrounding the collection, Maaranen researched landart, camouflage, and the Finnish revolutionary print design of the 60s that Vuokko Nurmesniemi and Fujiwo Ishimoto created for Finnish textile house Marimekko.

Next Steps: After her award Satu Maaranen has been busier than ever: requests for interviews and suggestions on cooperation from major players are pouring in. Still, she says,”I need time to focus on my design work.” To give her that time, DHL took on the task of transporting the unique collection – including the eye-catching big-brimmed hats that had tongues wagging – from Maaranen’s studio in Finland to the runway in Berlin and back.

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