Formula E

Interview with Simona de Silvestro to mark International Women’s Day

She is one of the fastest female racing drivers in the world: Simona de Silvestro. The Swiss driver is racing for Andretti this season. Simona spoke with DHL inMotion about the new challenges in Formula E on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Simona, you are the only female driver in Formula E. Do you find that you are well accepted?

Simona de Silvestro: As a woman, you always first have to prove yourself when you join a new series. That’s just how it is. Basically, if a man is fast, then most people think that they are on the pace in every series. People probably wonder about a woman initially just what she can do in a new series. I’ve seldom driven in European racing series during my career, so I’ve no doubt got to show what I can do in Formula E.

Do you get the feeling that you have arrived already in Formula E?

Simona de Silvestro: The results are not yet where I would like them to be, but we didn’t have an easy start to the season either. Still, I feel comfortable in Formula E. It’s a really cool series. I’m very happy to be here. I just hope now that my results get better.

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What are the biggest challenges for you as a driver?

Simona de Silvestro: Formula E cars drive differently. I’m mostly used to cars with high downforce, as in the IndyCar series. Those cars actually have a lots of horsepower and powerful brakes but are much heavier. In Formula E, though, you also have the energy recover system to your rear, which takes quite a bit of getting used to. Driving a Formula E car feels a bit like go-karting. The IndyCar, for example, is very precise and technical in the turns, while sometimes in Formula E, to put it simply, we just drive and see how the corners pan out.

Do you enjoy driving a Formula E car?

Simona de Silvestro: Yes, but it’s extremely challenging. If you’re used to other open-wheel series, then you’re just about there. Things are a bit different in Formula E races, because of the energy management systems. You don’t have to deal with anything as specialized in most other series. For example, it can be quite challenging when the guy behind is putting pressure on you in the race and yet you have to save energy.

Do you find driving a Formula E car difficult from a physical point of view?

Simona de Silvestro: No, not really. The hardest car to drive is probably the IndyCar, since it has high downforce and no power steering. I’ve shown in the IndyCar series that I can compete with the front-runners and that the physical aspect isn’t a problem. The Formula E car is not so much of a handful but we still have to conserve energy. It’s a bit trickier as regards concentration, because there are so many things you have store in your head.

Find out more about Simona de Silvestro

Have you got plans to race in other racing series this season?

Simona de Silvestro: My focus at present is on Formula E. Still, it would be great to drive something else. We have practically just one Formula E race per month this year. You obviously want more as a racing driver, but I’m certain that Formula E will become a full-time job in the future when the racing calendar fills out.

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