
DHL Exported Committee Experts New York

Every Fashion Week season is kicked off with a week of shows in New York, and for decades, the city has been one of the world's trendsetting capitals. With so many big names in high fashion all in one place, we faced quite a bit of difficulty in narrowing the field of experts for the DHL Export program down to just a handful. In the end, we're confident we've found the best people for the job, a diverse group well-versed in what it takes to make it big in the Big Apple.

One of the top style makers in the city, Alexis Bryan Morgan is Executive Fashion Director at the magazine, Lucky, where she decides the best looks for each coming season. In her previous roles as Fashion Director at Elle and Executive Fashion Editor at Vanity Fair, Ms. Bryan Morgan has directly influenced the cover looks and forecasted fashion trends for nearly a decade, making her the best woman to analyze the applicants' style choices.

Also on the committee for her role as a tastemaker and influencer, Ramya Giangoa, founder and partner of GOGOLUXE, a prominent fashion and retail advisory services company based in New York City, is an expert at balancing commerce and creativity. With a roster including some of the largest and most influential companies in the world, GOGOLUXE has a keen knowledge of the the industry and its players and does phenomenal things to ensure greater global success for its international clients.

On the design side is renowned New York-based designer Nicole Miller, whose modern and ageless aesthetic has won her fans the world over. With a signature feminine, sexy yet refined look, Miller has dressed a number of celebrities, including Angelina Jolie and Halle Barry, and has made her apparel accessible to consumers via specialty stores worldwide. Her global reach made her the perfect judge in the DHL Exported program, as we set out to choose which local designer can get a global leg up in New York.

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