
Tokyo’s Fashion Experts

With more than 150 applicants from around the world, the expert committees behind the DHL Exported program have quite a bit a work ahead of them in the coming weeks. Choosing the best man, woman or design team for the opportunity of a lifetime is no easy task.

Chief among the deciders in all four locations is IMG’s own Jarrad Clark. A globe-trotter of the highest regard, Clark knows what moves the masses at Fashion Weeks the world over. But what about the local experts, the men and women who’ve made their careers in each of the fashion capitals that will be the scene of the DHL Exported program winner’s big break?

In Tokyo, that team is made up of four fashion industry movers and shakers, people in the know when it comes to not only trendy design but also business acumen. Akiko Shinoda of the Japan Fashion Week Organization is one of those people. With years of experience working to bring European brands like Richard Ginori and Roberto Cavalli into the Japanese market, Shinoda was selected in 2008 as Director of International Affairs for Japan Fashion Week Organization, the coordinators of the semi-annual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tokyo.

On the creative and design side, the expert committee brought in local icon Iwaya Toshikazu, currently of Dresscamp but with a CV that includes showing his brand Dress33 in Paris in 2009, costume designs for the musical “The Threepenny Opera” and serving as creative director at Onitsuka Tiger.

Hajime Nakagawa likewise has a storied background in the fashion world, serving as buyer for both ladies’ jewelry and watches as well as children’s wear before being appointed in 2013 to General Manager, Fashion Marketing at Isetan.

And finally, the expert at export from DHL Japan is Junko Takata, whose role as Senior Director of Marketing since 2009 and background in overseas sales and marketing at Asahi Glass Co., Ltd makes her the ideal candidate for understanding the growth strategies important for the DHL Exported winner looking to expand abroad.

While winners won’t be announced until early May, finalists will be revealed in the coming weeks, so be sure to stay tuned to In Motion to stay up-to-date.

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