
Introducing DHL Exported Expert Jarrad Clark

With applications for the DHL Exported program now closed, it's time for our experts to start sorting through the designs and business plans of dozens of well-qualified designers to select the winner.

Chief among those experts is globe-trotter Jarrad Clark, Vice President and Global Creative Director at IMG Fashion Events and Properties. Initially joining IMG as part of the team that launched the first Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Australia, Jarrad now oversees all facets of event production and creative, from concept to execution for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York, Berlin, Istanbul, Australia and Miami as well as World MasterCard Fashion Week in Toronto, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Sydney and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Days Zurich.

Clark's 20 years of experience producing fashion and lifestyle events has given him a wealth of insight as to what works in the ever-changing industry, which is why he's on the committee of experts for the DHL Exported program in all four locations. Throughout his career, Clark has mentored young talent through programs like Mercedes-Benz Start Up in Canada and Designer for Tomorrow in Berlin. He knows what it takes for an up-and-comer to make it big, and we're glad to have him onboard as part of the committee to determine which talented designers will get their big break to go abroad.

Stay tuned throughout April to In Motion for more details on other committee experts. And be sure to check back in early May to see the lucky winner!

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