
DHL Exported -- DHL's Own Fashion Experts

Oft overlooked, one of the major keys to a fashion label's success comes from strong business acumen and having the right supply chain partners to back you. Talent can get you quite far in life, but it doesn't get the designs off the runway and into the stores where your customers are doing all their shopping.

That's why as part of each of the panel of experts judging the winners of the first annual DHL Exported program, DHL has included one of our own fashion experts. These are the people who not only understand the ins and outs of the export and logistics business, they know what solutions are out there to make an international leap possible.

As Fashion Project Manager for DHL Express Italy, Milan-based Mauro Zardi serves as the main point of contact for a number of global retailers. His insight into everything from warehousing and supply chain solutions to international trade associations makes him the ideal consultant for a designer looking to branch out in Europe.

In the Americas, Bill Heaney is DHL Global Forwarding's Vice President, Head of the Retail Sector, and the go-to guy for all things fashion and retail. His role in driving retail growth in the western hemisphere has put him in the best position to judge candidates for the DHL Exported program in New York.

With applications being reviewed and finalists soon to be announced, stay tuned to DHL In Motion to learn more about the committee of experts and be the first to hear which of the 150+ applicants has made it to the finals round.

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